What We do

CICX Certification

You can here go through the certification paths to achieve the CICX Trader Certification and/or CICX Risk Manager Certification required to act as a Trader and Risk Manager on the Cicada Mobile Roaming Exchange.

In order to qualify for these courses you need to be nominated by a company that is a member of Cicada Exchange. Once nominated, you will receive your student login details, and can at that time go through the training and certification process on this website.

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Short Training Videos

When you are logged in to the site you are able to view all instructional training videos available on this site.

Here is a sample of such a video "How to trade an RFQ".

These training videos, together with other written material, form the basis for the CICX Certification courses that is required in order to become a Certified Trader and/or Risk Manager on Cicada Exchange.

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