Certification path for CICX Traders
CICX Traders will be certified to post and trade as HPMN and VPMN for a Cicada Exchange member.
This certification path is suitable for:
Certification path for CICX Traders + Risk Manager
This certification path is for CICX Traders that in addition to Trading also is authorised to configure the Risk Manager on behalf of a Cicada Exchange member.
This certification path is suitable for:
Certification path for CICX MVNO Traders
CICX MVNO Traders will be certified to post and trade only as HPMN for a Cicada Exchange member.
This certification path is suitable for:
Certification path for CICX MVNO Traders + Risk Manager
CICX MVNO Traders + Risk Manager will be certified to post and trade only as HPMN for a Cicada Exchange member, and also to manage the Risk Manager trading limits for their company.
This certification path is suitable for:
Certification path for CICX Risk Managers
A Risk Manager will be able to set trading limits on behalf of a Cicada Exchange member.
This certification path is for employees of a member who are:
This certification path is for CICX View Only Traders.
People with this certification are normally employees or managers who are: