CICX Trader Certification

CICX Trader Certification

Certification path for CICX Traders

CICX Traders will be certified to post and trade as HPMN and VPMN for a Cicada Exchange member.

This certification path is suitable for:

  • Traders for MNO's


CICX Trader + Risk Manager Certification

CICX Trader + Risk Manager Certification

Certification path for CICX Traders + Risk Manager

This certification path is for CICX Traders that in addition to Trading also is authorised to configure the Risk Manager on behalf of a Cicada Exchange member.

This certification path is suitable for:

  • Traders for MNO's.
  • Traders that are authorised to manage the Risk Manager trading limits on behalf of a Cicada Exchange member.


CICX MVNO Trader Certification

CICX MVNO Trader Certification

Certification path for CICX MVNO Traders

CICX MVNO Traders will be certified to post and trade only as HPMN for a Cicada Exchange member.

This certification path is suitable for:

  • Traders for MVNO's that does not have their own network.
  • Traders for members not looking to take on traffic into own network.
CICX MVNO Trader + Risk Manager Certification

CICX MVNO Trader + Risk Manager Certification

Certification path for CICX MVNO Traders + Risk Manager

CICX MVNO Traders + Risk Manager will be certified to post and trade only as HPMN for a Cicada Exchange member, and also to manage the Risk Manager trading limits for their company.

This certification path is suitable for:

  • Traders + Risk Manager for MVNO's that does not have their own network.
  • Traders + Risk Manager for members not looking to take on traffic into own network.


CICX Risk Manager Certification

CICX Risk Manager Certification

Certification path for CICX Risk Managers

A Risk Manager will be able to set trading limits on behalf of a Cicada Exchange member.

This certification path is for employees of a member who are:

  • assigned as CICX Risk Managers and hence will be managing the CICX trading risk limits on behalf of the Cicada Exchange member.
  • NOT authorised to do the actual trading on behalf of the Cicada Exchange member.


CICX View Only Trader Certification

CICX View Only Trader Certification

This certification path is for CICX View Only Traders.

People with this certification are normally employees or managers who are:

  • authorised to view Cicada Exchange on behalf of a member.
  • NOT authorised to trade on behalf of a member.
  • NOT authorised to manage Risk Manager on behalf of a member.